National Cemetery Administration

Dept of Veterans Affairs, National Cemetery Administration

Dept of Veterans Affairs, National Cemetery Administration

Project Name: Expansion of the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery, Santa Nella, California Project Deliverables: Environmental Assessment in accordance with Council on Environmental Quality (NEPA). Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in accordance with ASTM 1527-5. Wetland Delineation, Biological Assessment, Cultural Resource Inventory, Restoration Plan, Hazardous Materials Disposal Plan, Work Awareness Training, Biological Monitoring, Agency Negotiation, Regulatory Permit Applications and Coordination Resources Dedicated: Wetland Biologists and Botanists conducted surveys for sensitive wetland habitats and assessments for the federally endangered San Joaquin Kit Fox. Staff Environmental Planners coordinated the Environmental Assessment and Phase I Report requirements and designed avoidance measures to prevent adverse impacts to the federally protected Kit Fox. Project Duration: Due to an unexpected demand for available gravesites for World War II and Korean War Veterans in the Bay Area, the San Joaquin Valley National Cemetery proposed an immediate expansion into previously undisturbed land. Expedited surveys and regulatory agency coordination was required to ensure that the expansion could take place in a timely manner without impact to sensitive federally protected wildlife species. Narrative: Scientists from Marcus H. Bole & Associates were able to conduct all protocol level site surveys and acquire all permit authorizations to allow the critically needed gravesites to be constructed within the required construction window. The gravesites were in place to serve the veterans and their families without having to delay any funerals.